For Social Gals and Gents who roll with the best ...

When it comes to our greatest calling card, the face (or the “punim” as my grandma used to call it while squeezing cheeks with extreme gusto and love), we really can’t be too careful, especially with all those dangerous rays poking through in more potent and damaging fashion than ever (despite what certain delusionary leaders of the free world might quack to the contrary).

Accordingly, yours truly, and the Diary team, are always on the lookout for the most effective, vigilant “punim” safeguards and beauty allies.

Enter today’s well worth sharing Social Gal Secret: SUSANNE KAUFMANN FACE BROAD PROTECTION SUNSCREEN:



Crafted by Austrian beauty and skincare master, Susanne Kaufmann with her signature attention to detail and scientific savvy, this first offering of the range on the facial SPF front not only incorporates the latest, greatest UVA and UVB filters, but capitalizes on the effective organic properties contained in several powerful plant compounds to repair pre-existing damage. YES REALLY.

So you’re not only fighting the enemy with the best possible health and beauty weaponry, but simultaneously undoing years of bad sunning and overexposure in the purest way.

Now if that’s not a good share, just in time for all that sun we hope is coming our way for this week’s F1GP festivities, I surrender! 😉

For more on this Kaufmann wonder product and others, go to



By Jenn Campbell

Montreal-based luxury lifestyle social magazine. for lovers of: parties, solid fashion, fine eats, sexy escapes, the best in fitness and health trends, motivating quotage, good pop and other culture, celebrity fabulousness and the whole luxury lifestyle landscape in general.

Diary of a Social Gal
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