C’mon admit it, unless Herculean with a will of steel, you’ve likely been seduced, at one time or another, by the lure of the infomercial and / or shopping channel pitch. I think we all have.
And sometimes, at least in my personal experience, the seductions have worked out in my favour and not just enriched the seller’s coffers. Like recently, when I happened upon The Shopping Channel, and found the host, and range representative, talking up the benefits of the Tweak-d beauty line, waxing almost poetic about the mysterious healing and replenishing powers of the line’s rare secret ingredient: Pure Nacional Cacao, which, according to them, has 12.5 times the antioxidant value of blueberries.

Given my predilection for all things chocolate, my ears, perked right up. Indeed, they went on to say the most alluring things, daring me to “indulge my skin with one of the rarest chocolates in the world.”
I was sold. Grabbing the cel that’s never far from my side, I dialed up the digits that kept flashing hugely across the screen, and, faster than you could say, what are the shipping terms, my credit card number was devoured, and I was promised delivery of the Tweak-D Chocolate Creme De Cacao Face + Body Cream (177 ml) within three-10 business days.
True to their word, the package arrived in four, and continued to deliver, with every application.
Not only does it rescue my dry, over-bathed skin, reinfusing rich, delicious moisture to both face and body, and, I swear, healing cuts and scars faster than medicated creams intended for same usage, but it smells divine, like you somehow stopped into a high-end chocolate shop, infused with the hypnotically pleasing aroma of fresh from the oven milk chocolates.
Hmm … Maybe that’s not for everyone. But it’s definitely for me. And possibly … you.
Look for other products in the range that rocked my world, like the hair creme.
For more information, or to purchase, I confidently send all Social Gals and Gents with a thing for great cream and the smell of chocolate, to TSC! 😉 Click HERE.