THE BEAUTY UPDATE: So I’d been hearing about this potent, doctor-developed lash serum for quite some time (along with the legions of celebs and devotees in its thrall) until I finally decided to give it a whirl.
And I’m so glad I did … Cause be forewarned Social Gals and Gents, this baby works. Like really REALLY works!
It’s called LiLash, is readily available online (I score my stash at Diary Fave Billionaire Brows in Westmount Square), and, if used daily in accordance with the clear and easy directions (safe too for sensitive peepers and lens wearers like moi), will deliver some of the naturally sexiest, longest lashes you’ve ever experienced.

But like anything worthwhile in life, the results won’t manifest overnight. That said, they will start giving great beauty inspo after approximately a month, about the same time fluttering will kick in as your new favourite hobby. 😉
And for those sporting the ever hawt and trending lash extensions, you’ll still want to LiLash (now a verb lol) given its added benefit as a complement to extensions, continuing to fortify and strengthen lashes at the follicles, promoting growth and less breakage while you extend.
Finally, if for any reason, you don’t like the product, there’s a Cosmetic Pros-backed complete, unconditional 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.
It’s a Social Gal Secret worth sharing. Flutter away dolls.