If access to last-minute deals to some of the globe’s most interesting, trending luxe resorts and destinations (sometimes in excess of 60 percent), as well as on-the-money Wonder Lists highlighting essential exploration details are your bliss, you want to give this app a download … and a kiss.
The content is sublime, seriously seductive stuff, and will have you planning a spontaneous trip, even if spontaneous trips are nowhere on the immediate life agenda.
Heck, I spent a good hour plus, not just fantasy-drooling over the sumptuous array of photos (for glorious spots like Cala Blava, Spain featured above, and Bora Bora Lagoon Resort below), but couldn’t get enough of the magazine section too, given that it’s action-packed with exotic and wild offerings like Dream Vacations Based on Zodiac Signs. (Procrasti-surfing at its best).
For real and aspiring jetetters, Jetsetters is a lust-have.