Nope, I’m not a millennial but to be honest, that generation has a handle on a lot of good life stuff, and I’m not even talking about their whole genius “work life balance” philosophy. (Hear that Gen X? Martyrdom is so 1997).

In this instance, I’m talking toast, the kind this “squad” (millennial speak for group) chooses to smother in rich, smooth, good fat filled avocado (peanut butter be scared).

I mean, avocado toast just tastes so fine: a healthy GUAC fest to start the day, or quick and easy snack to pump up the late afternoon slump, when energy plummets and disrupts all that creative mastery you were rocking that got your boss gals and gents hot and bothered.

Even better: the recipe for our fave takes literally five minutes, or less if you’re starved.

Simply, toast a slice of bread of choice (we love any organic, crusty whole grain version).

Next, grab an organic avocado (given all the nasty pesticides harming our harvests, it’s always best to go organic) and mash away in a small bowl with a fork (fancy is overrated).

For flavour, add cilantro, lime, a dash of hot sauce, and salt and pepper to taste before spreading the delectable mix over your toasted slice (top with eggs for variety in the AM if desired).

Now, sit back and enjoy all those crazy good flavours that are also crazy good for you.

Millennials, thank you for this, one of your many gifts to the universe. 😉

By Jenn Campbell

Montreal-based luxury lifestyle social magazine. for lovers of: parties, solid fashion, fine eats, sexy escapes, the best in fitness and health trends, motivating quotage, good pop and other culture, celebrity fabulousness and the whole luxury lifestyle landscape in general.

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