So here’s the deal health-conscious Social Gals and Gents: If you’re anything like me, then you’re adamant about taking the right supplements and doing all in your power to do the best by your temple. And, if you’re anything like me, you’re constantly reading about key vitamins and minerals and the importance of incorporating them into the daily regimen.

That is, until you realize how insane things can get, as you proceed to purchase a ton of new bottles (in both liquid, and pill formats) that then render the morning routine daunting what with the amount you have to consume, not to mention nauseating, because an overload of pills on an empty stomach can literally turn it. Good times.



There’s also the added challenge that despite a curious mind, you’re (we’re) no experts on vitamin and mineral consumption and can ultimately mastermind a cocktail of things that are more hurtful than harmful. More good times.

Enter your (our) saviour: customized regimens like those provided by the team at who, via a simple quiz covering lifestyle, goals, and values, can create, and then ship, monthly stashes of personalized vitamins and minerals to your door: a safe and good regimen tailored perfectly to your specific needs.

Plus the professionals on staff are always transparent and honest with a view to establishing the best program and experience for your individual constitution.

Today’s tech-dominated space can certainly bring with it some unexpected challenges, as the news of late has so clearly indicated. But it has also opened up worlds of new opportunities, like this one, that make life infinitely better .. and healthier!

So check out the fine folk at Take Care Of and make messy confusing vitamin-intake a thing of the past.  

By Jenn Campbell

Montreal-based luxury lifestyle social magazine. for lovers of: parties, solid fashion, fine eats, sexy escapes, the best in fitness and health trends, motivating quotage, good pop and other culture, celebrity fabulousness and the whole luxury lifestyle landscape in general.

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