Truth be told I’ve always been a fan of Paris Hilton’s (even interviewing her on a trip to Montreal several years back when she promoted a shoe line for Browns), but predominantly because I adored her over-the-top antics, from her outrageous adventures alongside Nicole Ritchie in the now iconic Simple Life to her more recent adventures in gastronomy on Netflix’s Cooking With Paris.  

For me, she was a fantastical figure who took you way from ordinary life stress with a signature brand of socialite silly that made for great escapism …

And then, though late to that cultural phenomenon, I recently watched her 2020 documentary on You Tube, This is Paris, a game-changer.

Not only is Paris a far more complex layered individual than I could have ever imagined  – and courageous survivor of traumatizing abuse and advocate for fellow survivors, but a brilliant businesswoman/strategist with a keen marketing eye and indefatigable work ethic, all diametrically opposed to the mental snap I had held previously wherein the exaggerated glam gal’s family money and daddy’s team of experts and advisors – were at the heart of her success.

How wrong I was. On a professional level, there is much to learn from this super savvy brand guru and ambitious young woman, who exclaims proudly that she’s just beginning to hit her stride (awesome given that she’s already created an empire most can only dream of).

On a personal level, her willingness to share such vulnerable sides and fears and flaws underscores that, irrespective of socioeconomic status and upbringing, we’re all intimately united in our shared humanness and it’s ok (correction: admirable) to be vulnerable and open about it.

So thrilled to have gone on a deeper dive with you Paris … Looking forward to your next adventures with newfound appreciation and respect. Keep shining. XX


By Jenn Campbell

Montreal-based luxury lifestyle social magazine. for lovers of: parties, solid fashion, fine eats, sexy escapes, the best in fitness and health trends, motivating quotage, good pop and other culture, celebrity fabulousness and the whole luxury lifestyle landscape in general.

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