Despite the most heroic of intentions, life does often get in the way of good intentions. That’s what happened last Friday night when I hung with some dear friends and, truth be told, succumbed to the lure of their kids’ pantry later in the eve, where the appeal of the multicoloured cheddar fish and tub of sweet lemon drop bites proved too decadent a savoury sweet combo to deny, and I soon found myself gorging on handfuls of the powerpair and yes, enjoying them immensely.
But as wisdom is teaching me, and the journey is underscoring time and again: It’s not what life throws at you, but how you choose to handle it. In the past, this tumble off the wagon would inspire intense feelings of regret and self-beating-up, usually causing a downward spiral into complete wagon abandonment, under the banner: The ‘diet’ is sabotaged so I may as well be really bad.
Well not anymore. Take that perfection! Progress is my new bestie! As I did on Friday, and as I would encourage you all to embrace: Abandon the regrets, the striving for perfection on all fronts, and heck, the past too! Toss em all out the waste-of-valuable-time-and-energy window!
So I overate and indulged with some friends on a Friday night (it was the weekend) and enjoyed and had fun. Good on me! Saturday was a new day, and an opportunity to hop back on the healthy wagon. Which is exactly what I did. And know what? I still lost a little more weight by Monday. Clearly, moderation and going easy on ourselves is a pretty awesome combo too. Just ask a little lady you may have heard a thing or trillions about: the sublime always-bringing-it Oprah Winfrey, who’s currently rocking her new moderate and balanced Weight Watchers life and loving every minute of it. 😉
As for today’s SOCIAL GAL SUPERSALAD, it’s become a staple and a favourite that I can’t get enough of. Hope you enjoy:
(makes one large salad, best to go organic and as local as possible)
- A handful of romaine (love the stuff)
- A handful of spinach (not so much but it blends well)
- A pinch of Kale (could totally live without it but so good for you)
- Half a cucumber, sliced finely
- Two celery stalks, cut in small pieces
- A bunch of broccoli florets (can’t get enough)
- Approximately 10 cherry tomatoes, halved
- A good sprinkling of pitted green olives, well sliced (flavour giants)
- A handful of white and purple cabbage (aka “the regulators”)
- A half-cup of chick peas (protein time; wild salmon and other beans are great alternatives too)
- A sprinkling of shaved carrots
- About 12-15 small gluten free whole grain croutons (for crunch and satiety and the illusion you’re carbing)
- All topped by two-three tablespoons of your favourite healthy dressing, mine is the basil option at Bio Source.
Not rocket science here. Add all to a bowl and enjoy.