We skip now to another gargantuan talent in world design, Tiffany Pratt. Affectionately dubbed the “queen of colour,” the endlessly talented creator — who works across multiple platforms including print, television, public speaking, heck, all of them — is fuelled by a passion for seeing the beauty in the unexpected, transforming spaces in such brilliant, unimagined ways that legions of fans can’t help but flock to her channels to experience the sensory masterpieces up close and personal. Just one episode of her much-loved first series on HGTV, Buy IT, Fix IT, Sell IT, and/or chapter of the popular tome for Penguin Random House’s This Can Be Beautiful instantly reveal why she’s emerged as such a game-changer, sought after for design contributions and collaborations in the myriad arenas of interiors, commercial and product design, art direction, styling and more. It’s a wonder the pioneer of Glitter Pie studio has time to exhale, let alone leave such a fantastical trail of technicolour and joy everywhere she goes …

Tiffany, at Diary, we’re all about entertaining spaces. In your expert opinion, how do we best create them in the home?
Entertaining spaces are born from both the use of occasional and multi-purpose pieces of furniture as well as giving the eye many places to be entertained. Try not to look at anything as ONE THING. Everything can be many things and have many uses. We just need to change our minds about what we’ve seen and purpose things in our own ways to live an ENTERTAINING LIFE!
Summer is here (at last!). What tricks do you have up your imaginative sleeve for rocking optimal summer house party vibes?
Have you heard of HUE bulbs, the coloured light bulbs you can change on your phone in thousands of shades? Do you know that mixing fresh flowers and tall coloured feathers can be really festive, indoors and outdoors? But MUSIC and some kind of party entertainment is always the best! Like an AURA or TAROT card reader against a killer playlist of mixed music delights …
At any good party, seating is major. What do you recommend for the most schmooze- friendly configurations?
SCHMOOZE means LEVELS for me! Get people standing, seated on chairs, sofas, poufs, floor pillows, hanging chairs. Give people fun nooks and cozy spaces to pile in together. Pre-plan your seating based on your space, who’s coming and how long you want them to stay. If you want people to stay for only a few hours, don’t make it too COZY! LOL!

Are there any sofas and/or cozy chairs you covet?
I’m launching a furniture collection with SILVA and I would say that the sectional, sofa, chairs and ottomans that I designed are the most covetable things around! I’m in love with it all and I know you will be too!
Moving on to tables, any faves there?
I love tables that look like sculptures. I always fall for something glass and oversized. I want to have lots of surface space while still being able to see the whole room!
For dinner parties, round or rectangle?

When seeking to create that indescribable festive feel, what colours, textures and accents stir you?
I’m always inspired when something is oversized, hanging from the ceiling or in WILD colour combos! Mix things up, put things in places nobody would expect! Think outside the box! Life is ART!
What about table settings? Fave dishes, cutlery, lighting, other accoutrements?
Table settings should be a mish-mash of what you have and what is elegant all at once. I LOVE some Royal Copenhagen mixed with Royal Chinet. I love the fancy silver with plastic cutlery. I love linen that’s ripped up in oversized rectangles and laundered for napkins. I love flowers just laying on tables and then in MEGA vases; lighting coming from the floor to the ceiling dimly lit and fired up! Life is about contrast and when you entertain with opposing styles and materials everyone feels comfortable and ready to have a good time.
Let’s talk party-worthy spaces designed under your watch …
I would say that Piano Piano and Cafe CanCanon Harbord Street in Toronto are two pretty legit party places that I designed from top to bottom! They are party-worthy for sure!

Attend any killer soirées recently?
The Amalfi Coast was one trip I took packed with events, memories and vistas that still blow my mind!!! ABC Carpet & Home in NEW YORK can throw a killer event too. That place is eye candy!
What parties have you hosted in your home that stand out?
I have thrown some pretty beautiful and festive holiday parties at my place for my team over the years! They’re always my favourite because we all chip in to make it happen but appreciate the magic of making it happen together. There are always photo-worthy moments and we all love being together in one room because that doesn’t happen all the time! MAGIC HAPPENS when we’re all together …
What about fabulous festivities you’ve attended at other homes?
I lived in Connecticut and New York in my twenties and have seen some pretty epic homes and at- tended some VERY opulent parties! I love me a little slice of how others throw a bash and like to have a good time! Whether it’s with food or florals, a DJ, decor or ALL! I really appreciate going to parties that are thrown by people who throw the party they themselves want to go to! BEST!

For more Tiffany: tiffanypratt.com.