As a young boy, Georges Achkar had big dreams of becoming a race car driver. His lofty, adventurous ambitions were not for the faint of heart. (One ride around Tremblant’s expert racetrack as his passenger drives the point home well!)

And so, it’s no surprise that the very dedicated and laser-focused professional exceeded even his own expectations; eventually finding himself well-ensconced in the fast-paced and ever-challenging world of finance after a most impressive rise to the top in his academic endeavors.

To that effect, the senior investment advisor (named top advisor in 2023 by Wealth Professional magazine) is also a Fellow of the Cana- dian Securities Institute and holds a certified financial planner designation. He currently serves as a managing partner of Diligence Wealth Management, Manulife Wealth’s largest office for the last 15 years, where he and the team manage more than 7.7 billion dollars (as of April 1st, 2024) in assets under administration and employ over 200 professionals, including advisors, licensed assistants and administrative staff. Impressively, the initiative has now emerged as one of the fastest-growing operations of its kind in Canada.

We sat down with the busy young professional to talk finance, AI, entrepreneurship, the value of connectivity, and yes, cars.

Georges, let’s jump in. What does a typical day look like? As a dedicated member of the 5 a.m. club, my mornings kick off with a deep dive into market research and global economics. Following a good sweat at the gym and a double shot of espresso, my day revolves around a series of high-stakes client meetings, extending from dawn until dusk. Despite the demanding schedule, I’ve strategically built a team blending administrative prowess with top-tier licensed advisors, ensuring swift responses to any challenges that arise. Whether it is investment advice, wealth and tax planning solutions or insurance guidance, we’re not only able to service the diverse and changing needs of our clients, but to unite them in one strategy, under one umbrella, with a view to delivering a global picture of their financial situation.

“Early on in life, I grasped the potential that comes with wholeheartedly committing to something, whether in the professional realm or in pursuit of your goals.”

Georges, in your professional opinion, how do you believe the advent of AI will impact the world of investing? The future is part human and part technology. It’s no secret that AI and robo-advisors are progressively occupying more space in the financial services industry. Still, despite fears surrounding automation, I don’t believe advisors are fully replaceable, and I remain confident that the balance between man and machine in the wealth management world will be a win-win for financial firms, advisors, and investors alike. Nothing can beat the personal touch and nuanced insights that a sophisticated professional can deliver. Above all, my commitment to dedicated service to my clients stands as a testament to the value I bring to the table and a source of immense pride for me.

Entrepreneurship is hard, especially in the fiercely competitive arena of finance. What advice do you have for aspiring young professionals in this niche? Never be intimidated by hard work and discipline. During the first decade of my career, I devoted myself to 12-hour workdays. Early on in life, I grasped the potential that comes with wholeheartedly committing to something, whether in the professional realm or in pursuit of your goals. Putting in the work across every facet of your life, understanding how they’re all intertwined and connected, will ultimately lead you to become the best version of yourself.

Speaking of other goals, what are some others that rank high on your list, and do you feel you’ve achieved them? I have numerous goals, from being a supportive partner to my wife and a great father to my children to prioritizing relationships with family and friends. Additionally, I’ve pursued my passion for outdoor sports like skiing, surfing, cycling, and let’s not forget, my love for fast cars. I am a car fanatic! Have I achieved them all? That’s another story (laughs). I think we’re all perpetual works in progress. It’s commitment and diligence that drive us forward.

Finally, given that this is our connectivity edition, what does that mean to you? In a word, everything. In today’s landscape, many factors pose threats to our connectivity. Thus, the effort and time invested in fostering and maintaining connections across all facets of our lives are more crucial than ever.

For more on Georges and his team, visit georgesachkar.ca (disclaimers available in link).

By Jenn Campbell

Montreal-based luxury lifestyle social magazine. for lovers of: parties, solid fashion, fine eats, sexy escapes, the best in fitness and health trends, motivating quotage, good pop and other culture, celebrity fabulousness and the whole luxury lifestyle landscape in general.

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