Meets culinary wizardry meets Grey Goose!

When one of the globe’s most revered vodka brands like Grey Goose, hosts a summer event, you can bet your best cocktails (or rather theirs!), that it’s gonna be quite something. 😉 And it was. In fact, this summer’s annual Grey Goose Sunset Soirée, at the Lakeshore’s picturesque Forest & Stream Club, was arguably their best to date, attracting a 300 plus swanky & stylish by-invite-only crew, who couldn’t get enough of the grand Goose eve’s gastronomy under the stars, masterfully prepped by Michelin star-trained Chef Justin Kent; fine animation courtesy of Grey Goose North American Ambassador, Guillaume Jubien; Espresso Martini bar; Rustique dessert station; flowing Grey Goose Le Grand Fizz; on-site fashion illustrator; sassy sparklers; and yes, whimsical paper geese flowing through the air. A night for summer magic, embraced by many, as only Grey Goose can. Photography GREY GOOSE CANADA


By Jenn Campbell

Montreal-based luxury lifestyle social magazine. for lovers of: parties, solid fashion, fine eats, sexy escapes, the best in fitness and health trends, motivating quotage, good pop and other culture, celebrity fabulousness and the whole luxury lifestyle landscape in general.

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