A Candid and Creative Conversation

Anick, your career trajectory is truly impressive, having first worked as an entrepreneur in international real estate and then transitioned to the C2 Montréal orbit, where you have quickly risen to the top position in a relatively short period of time. Aside from the obvious components for success: hard work and commitment, what else do you credit for this remarkable professional journey? I was lucky enough to be trusted with responsibilities at a young age in the family business. This allowed me to develop an entrepreneurial mindset rather early. I’ve also always made sure to be somewhere I really want to be and to take pride in what we accomplish. I love to surround myself with people who bring a special talent to the table, where everyone has a vital role to play and is the best at playing that role. Mentors have made a sizable impact on my journey too, having been blessed with great ones along the way who believed in me, allowed me to evolve, and provided me with the right exposure and opportunities. I also have a saying: never do the job you have; do the job you want!

C2 is rapidly emerging as one of the best and most relevant business conferences in the world, if not the best. How do you and the team keep it so relevant and ahead of the curve? Trust has a lot to do with it. Trusting your talent, your ideas, and your colleagues. The team is also very in sync in our belief that the greatest threat to C2’s ongoing evolution and success is the status quo, which is why we continually challenge ourselves, to take creative risks, and push the envelope. We’re also fortunate to collaborate with partners and large organizations that value our creative input and engage with us for that reason. The synergy is formidable in that respect. Another advantage is the diversity of the team in terms of disciplines and talent. From food designers to scenographers, artistic directors, and environment designers, there’s an amazing mix of talents that culminates in an end result defined by unique experiences executed with unmistakable flair.

Now that’s a conference. Photography TORA CHIRILA.

Many of us think of C2 as one mega-annual event, but it’s so much more than that. Can you please elaborate a little for our readers? Yes, C2 Montréal is indeed our flagship—what we like to call our Superbowl! (laughs). It allows us to test new formats and ideas, affording us an invaluable opportunity to reunite the best talent in the city or province and showcase to the world how we like to do business in Montreal. We highlight the best in creativity, sustainable innovation, and technology and host business leaders from over 40 countries, inspiring a compelling global dialogue.

But this is not the full extent of our creative firepower. We also produce experiences for multiple clients, including EY, Amazon, Accor, BNP, Twitch, and many others, all over the world, from Abu Dhabi to San Francisco! This takes the form of client hosting, product launches, innovation summits, and more.

You’re now a wife, a mom, and a business leader who still has time for friends and get-togethers, hosted with such panache and style. You make it all look so easy! What is your secret to time management? Trust me, it’s not as easy as it looks! (laughs). For now, I’m trying to be really present for whatever it is I’m committing to in the moment, be it work, family, or friends. The goal is always quality over quantity. That said, it’s still very much a work in progress. I am incredibly grateful for the many encountering the same challenges and realities as me and the really strong community of amazing women out there, always ready to listen and lend support.

As you know, this is the connectivity edition. What role does connectivity play on the C2 front, and how do you keep enhanc- ing and accelerating it? OMG, C2 is the ultimate connector! During C2 Montréal, 4000+ people unite for three consecutive days, which then translates into thousands of connections made, which in turn drives hundreds of millions in terms of economic impact.

As for the enhancement and acceleration of connectivity, a huge part of what we do is ponder new and innovative ways to have people connect faster and more meaningfully, with a view to inspiring new ideas and partnerships that will ultimately have a lasting impact on our world.

In achieving such ends, we use design, technology (AI), and other resources to help facilitate new experiences that allow humans to connect in powerful ways. Think of brain dates fired by AI matching humans with similar interests or complementary skill sets; experiential brainstorming in unexpected environments designed expressly for the tackling of big concepts like self-determination, privacy, and destiny. All of this happens in real time at our annual flagship!

The standout of C2. Photography SEBASTIEN ROY.

Finally, it’s also a fact that you’re a super-sporty who has ranked at the very top of the ski chain around the planet for many years. How has sports impacted your professional and personal journeys? Sports teaches us many lessons that are invaluable in life: how to win, lose, and commit to the journey, in addition to the continuous effort required to stay on top.

Sports also instill a competitive spirit that continually comes in handy. But one of the most precious things it imparts is the importance of having fun! This, when translated into the professional arena, ensures that we seek to do something we love and then always find ways to keep it stimulating and enjoyable.

Ok, one more for the road: You’ve travelled the globe for C2, seeking new partnerships and talent. What are your favourite desti- nations, and what cities rank highest on your party metre? Social Gals and Gents want to know! I love Paris! The cafés, the entertainment, and the culture. There are little bistros everywhere, but there’s also always an occasion to dress up and display the best fashion! The food, the wine, and the joie de vivre. Plus, the architecture is just spectacular!

For more on Anick and C2, visit C2Montréal.com.

By Jenn Campbell

Montreal-based luxury lifestyle social magazine. for lovers of: parties, solid fashion, fine eats, sexy escapes, the best in fitness and health trends, motivating quotage, good pop and other culture, celebrity fabulousness and the whole luxury lifestyle landscape in general.

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